Hello, I am Shihan.

I am an event photographer based in Charlotte, North Carolina, and I specialize in capturing a wide range of events including corporate events, family gatherings, sporting events, and real estate photography. I offer competitive pricing and fast turnaround of event photographs, so you can make the most of press releases, social media posts, and other marketing opportunities.

Recent Events

Corporate Event Photography Services

Conferences, seminars, exhibitions, product launches, ribbon-cutting ceremonies, groundbreaking events, sales events, trade shows, visiting VIPs, document signing, book launches, charity events, holiday dinners, community days, graduations, forums, employee events, new year and Christmas parties and more. We provide services in the following areas: Charlotte, Weddington, Marvin, Matthews, Indian Trail, Wesley Chapel, Waxhaw, Monroe, and the surrounding vicinity.

Featured in Peer Space

Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

"Great photography, easy to work with, fast turnaround time. I would definitely work with again!"

—Abby Duke

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