Looking for a corporate event photographer in Charlotte, NC?

I offer specialized coverage of a variety of corporate events including conferences, seminars, exhibitions, product launches, ribbon-cutting ceremonies, groundbreaking events, sales events, trade shows, visits from VIPs, document signing, book launches, charity events, holiday dinners, community days, graduation ceremonies, forums, employee events, and New Year's and Christmas parties.

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials

"Shihan's work, along with his photography partner, are by far the best event photos our organization has received since I have been working with the National Society of High School Scholars. My favorite part of his photographs is his use of lighting. He always returns the most beautifully, clear-lighted photos. We first worked with Shihan in Memphis for our event at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. We loved his photos so much, we asked him to drive to Atlanta to photograph our big end of year"

—Grace Dent

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